Top 100 Essential German Adjectives for Beginners with Audio Pronunciations
This lesson highlights the 100 most frequently used German adjectives that beginners commonly encounter in daily conversations. These adjectives have been carefully selected for their simplicity and ease of memorization.
Below, you’ll find a glossary of the top 100 German adjectives, specifically curated for learners of German as a second language. To enhance your learning, you can also listen to the correct pronunciation of each word by clicking the provided pronunciation buttons.
Adjektiv | Adjective |
ganz | whole, all time |
groß | big, large, great |
gut | good |
neu | new |
erste(r,s) | first |
lang | long |
deutsch | German |
klein | small, little |
alt | old |
hoch | high, tail |
einfach | simple, easy |
letzte(r, s) | last |
gleich | same, right away, just |
möglich | possible |
eigen | own |
schön | beautiful, pleasant, good |
spät | late |
wichtig | important |
weitere(r, s) | additional |
genau | exactly |
jung | young |
kurz | short |
stark | strong |
richtig | correct |
verschieden | different, diverse |
bestimmt | special, certain |
besser | better |
schnell | fast |
sicher | safe, secure, certain |
nächste(r,s) | next |
politisch | poltical |
klar | clear |
schwer | difficult, heavy |
einzeln | individual |
bekannt | well-known |
leicht | light, easy |
rund | round |
frei | free |
früh | early |
unterschiedlich | different, variable |
schlecht | bad |
deutlich | clear |
allgemein | general |
einzig | only, single |
gemeinsam | common, mutual |
nahe, nah | near, close |
voll | full |
direkt | direct, straight |
international | international |
sozial | social |
beste(r, s) | best |
rot | red |
offen | open |
meiste | most |
besondere(r, s) | special |
gewiss | certain |
öffentlich | public |
halb | half |
wahrscheinlich | probably |
europäisch | European |
wesentlich | essential, fundamental |
ähnlich | similar |
häufig | frequent |
schwarz | black |
völlig | complete |
gering | low, small |
schwierig | difficult |
praktisch | practical |
persönlich | personal |
modern | modern |
tief | deep |
tatsächlich | real, actual |
zusätzlich | additional |
amerikanisch | American |
wirtschaftlich | economic, financial |
interressant | interesting |
relativ | relative |
gleichzeitig | simultaneous |
grün | green |
weiß | white |
gesamp | whole, entire |
speziell | special, specific |
entscheidend | decisive |
eng | narrow, close |
technisch | technical |
langsam | slow |
ständig | constant |
notwendig | necessary |
rein | pure, clear, clean |
englisch | English |
wissenschaftlich | scientific, scholarly |
falsch | false, wrong |
fremd | foreign, strange |
fränzösisch | French |
selten | rare |
normal | normal |
wahr | true |
privat | private |
tot | dead |
gierig | greedy |
You can also look at the “Top 100 German nouns“