
Essential German Irregular Verbs: Top 100 List with Pronunciation

This tutorial concentrates on the 100 most commonly used German irregular verbs that language learners frequently encounter in daily interactions. These verbs are selected for their simplicity and ease of memorization.

German is laden with irregular verbs, which often become stumbling blocks for English speakers aiming for fluency. A solid grasp of these 100 prevalent verbs and their meanings is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the German language and its cultural context.

Mastering the German irregular verbs is an arduous task, even for native speakers. Hence, we have curated this list featuring the 100 most common irregular verbs in German to make your language-learning journey smoother.

German Irregular Verbs List

Below is a compilation of the 100 most frequently used German irregular verbs, specially curated for individuals learning German as a second language. Furthermore, you can listen to the accurate pronunciation of each verb by clicking on the pronunciation buttons.

seinto be
habento have
werdento become, get
könnento be able to, can
müssento have, must
kommento come
sollenschould, ought to
wollento want
gehento go
wissento know
sehento see
lassento let, allow
stehento stand
findento find
bleibento stay, remain
liegento lie
heißento be called
denkento think
nehmento take
tunto do
dürfento be allowed, may
haltento stop, hold
nennento name, call
mögento like
sprechento speak
bringento bring, take
fahrento drive, ride, go
geltento be valid
bestehento exist, insist
verstehento understand
setzento set, place, put
bekommento get, receive
beginnento begin
schreibento wirte
laufento run
entsprechento correspond
sitzento sit
ziehento pull, move
scheinento shine, seem, appear
fallento fall
entstehento originate, develop
erhaltento receive
treffento meet
tragento carry, wear
schaffento manage, create
lesento read
verlierento lose
erkennento recognize, admit
aussehento appear, look
erscheinento appear
anfangento begin
betreffento affect, concern
vergehento pass (time)
helfento help
gewinnento win, gain
schließento close
bietento offer
ergebento result in
anbietento offer
verbindento connect, link
ansehento look at, watch
vergleichento compare
steigento climb, increase
verlassento leave
wachsento grow
ausgehento go out, assume
geschehento happen, occur
beschreibento describe
annehmento accept, assume
befinden sichto be
aufnehmento record, include
zunehmento increase
gefallento please
schlagento hit, beat
tretento step
übernehmento take over
verwendento use
enthaltento contain
entscheidento decide
gelingento succeed
erfahrento experience
verschwindento diseppear
trinkento drink
auftretento appear, occur
verhalten (sich)to behave, react
essento eat
sterbento die
unterscheidento distinguish
werfento throw
hängenshould, ought to
bittento request
ankommento arrive
beziehento refer, put, get
vorkommento happen, seem
besitzento own, have
schlafento sleep
eingehento deal with, give attention
German Irregular Verbs List

You can also look at the “Most common verbs in German

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